17 Sep by Shailendra Goyal

Exciting times for Axis Gatepass VMS

Axis Gatepass

an application to manage visitors, contract workers, Material outward, Vehicles and Canteen usage. This software application was first deployed in the year 2005. The application has evolved over the years and is installed at reputed organizations, worldwide. It is an enterprise wide Multi-user application. Many devices like Camera, biometric access devices, signature pad, visiting card scanners, barcode readers, smart card readers, turnstiles, door access devices are integrated with the software.

Our team constantly works to provide updates as technology and requirements evolve. Every new client has added value to the application. Some very useful features like Active directory support, custom reports, form customization and user defined fields were added on the insistence of a few customers but are now basic requirements.

We have recently come out with some new modules and features.

AXIS Gatepass VMS on WEB

Axis GatepassThe web based Visitor management system and Material outward is a hosted solution, ready for immediate use. No installation on client PCs is required.

The features of the web based visitor management system are essentially the same as the desktop version, but provides a universal platform to integrate future technologies.

  • Employees can create appointments for visitors in advance
  • Approval workflow for walk-in visitors (online or by SMS)
  • Visitors can be issued One-day or Multi-day passes
  • Entry – Exit of visitors can be done by scanning barcoded passes, smart card or biometric devices
  • The web application is multilingual – currently supports – English, Arabic, Gujarati, Hindi. Can be localized in any language.

You can request for a demo at http://agpweb.axiscrm.in

Android App for Visitor Self registration 

Visitor self registration app is our first offering of Axis Gatepass on Android. We have a roadmap to develop a comprehensive app that will provide personalized features for the host (company employee), visitor/guest, contract worker and security staff. The features of Visitor Self Registration Android App are:

  • The app can be installed on an android device, preferably a tab with front camera.
  • Visitors can use the tab to select host-user and enter personal details like Name, organization, mobile number id-proof etc. They can click a selfie.
  • The details entered by the visitor will be seen on the security screen.
  • This app is a big help for security staff – they do not do any data entry,  they just verify details entered by the visitor.  Once the security staff verifies the details, the transaction proceeds for approval workflow.

Axis VMS – for visitor self registration is available at Google Play.

Contact us for more details about AXIS Gatepass. We’re just a call or email away!

Check out our visitor management system on our website.

For more information, please contact us on +91-989067793 or email.